Sunday, May 12, 2013

Blueberry Muffins

I grew up knowing about Jiffy mix, but I had never actually tried it before. It wasn't until I read this article that I was reminded of it, and I decided to try it out. A company that has been around since the Great Depression and provides mixes for a much lower price than its competitors is a company that I want to support.

Classic, instantly recognizable packaging.

One of the most frequent complaints in the article's comments were that Jiffy mix came out a bit dry. I searched online until I found this simple way to spruce them up, and I got to baking. 

The instructions on the Jiffy packaging list one egg and one-fourth cup of milk as all you need. With the fancier instructions, I added water, vegetable oil, vanilla extract, and brown sugar. Because I ran out of baking tins, I filled them a little bit more than halfway full and baked then for about 15 minutes. I was worried that I made them a little too full, but they actually turned out fine.

Filled over halfway full, but they came out just fine.

These are a delight when fresh! White Dress thought they were quite buttery, was surprised to hear that I didn't add butter. They were still delicious when cool, but fresh muffins truly taste amazing. I will definitely be making these again, and I will try more Jiffy products. One thing I would do differently, though, is more evenly distribute the blueberries among the muffins. It wasn't a major problem, but I would have liked it for aesthetic reasons. 

Fresh muffin and a glass of milk, mmm! 

Until next time!
~Pink Heels

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