Thursday, February 21, 2013


Hey everyone, this is White Dress, the second writer for this blog. Yeah, I'm probably way more of a slacker than Pink Heels, but that's okay, she'll provide you with more interesting things anyways. :) Anyways, let's do some introductions (Pink Heels is sitting here with me, anyways).

By the way, Pink Heels just tried to beat box, but I had no idea what she was doing. I thought she was just making weird pug noises. 

So introduction - hi, I'm White Dress, and I'm a university student! I can't beatbox either. 

Hello, I am Pink Heels, writing in blue. I am also a university student, and I like cardigans. (White Dress just nodded. That's a pretty good way to describe myself.) I am a chemistry major and a generally science-oriented person. 

Pink Heels just told me that my weird talent was math, but I'm pretty sure that's not a weird talent. Pink Heels' talent is clearly not beat boxing. I think she just mimicked a trumpet as part of her "beat boxing." She says she was trying to imitate Super Junior, but I didn't really see it (Sorry). (She just made a really bad pun. I don't even.)

(Context: White Dress is just doing the choreography from the Suju mv.) It's not a weird talent, but we both took a few dance classes last year. I'm not sure if one of them actually counted as dancing. 

I had a dream last night, and I was diffusing a bomb. If only I were that intense in real life. I also rescued my friends by identifying the correct batteries. I think I have a very strong desire to save the world, except for that I really don't, since being a university student is seriously a full time job. 

I also really like cupcakes. Pink Heels' cupcakes were delicious - you should try the recipe. I used to bake a lot more, except for then classes really caught up to me. I really enjoy painting my nails - it's one of the greater pleasures in life. :) 

Anyways, this is kind of a failure of an introduction post, but here, have an Adipose to make up for everything ㅋㅋ:

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