Sunday, February 24, 2013

Key Lime Pie: Take One

I'm a major fan of no-bake desserts, partially because I have a fear of being burned (which is really ironic considering how much I love to bake), and partially because my dorm's ovens are notoriously unreliable. However, ever since I mentioned that I made key lime pie a few times last year, JK has told me that he would love to try it. A request for my dessert? How can I resist?

The problem was that my dorm's kitchen was being used for an event this Friday, so I would have to make it at JK's dorm. The kind of supplies his dorm's kitchen was stocked with would determine which recipe I would make. At home, my mother has a recipe that includes cream cheese, powdered gelatin and vanilla pudding for the filling. It sets very well and is a great recipe. Since coming to university, I've been using this recipe, which includes cream cheese and powdered gelatin but no vanilla pudding. It still sets quite well, although it turns into Mission: Impossible once the powdered gelatin is added in. Wow, does that set fast.

To cut down on the number of things I would need to bring over to JK's dorm, I decided to try out this recipe, even though it made be a bit weary. It was convenient, but it only included cream cheese and Cool Whip as anything with standing power for the filling. It didn't surprise me that it needed three hours in the fridge to set - this filling wasn't kept together by much.

Only one way to find out if the recipe was any good, right?

When working with cream cheese, I prefer to use a fork over an electric mixer (except when making cream cheese frosting, because lumps are absolutely inexcusable in that). The cream cheese gets completely glued to the mixing blades, and it's extremely annoying to constantly have to stop and scrape them off. For this recipe, though, an electric mixer wouldn't have been a bad idea. Once I added the sweetened condensed milk and key lime juice, the mixture turned very runny. I was horrified - this was supposed to eventually set? I didn't see how. I was a little more reassured once I added in the Cool Whip and folded the liquid into it; the Cool Whip could hold its own. I prefer my key lime pie to more firm than Cool Whip is, but to each his own.

I bought the larger of the two Graham cracker crusts at the store, and the amount of filling that this recipe made was almost too much for it. Looks like I have two options from now on: have two smaller pies that are shallowly filled, or one larger pie that is almost overflowing with filling.

The overflowing pie, right before being popped in the refrigerator.

After waiting three hours, it was finally ready for a taste test. The Cool Whip made it very light and fluffy, which worked well with the crust. Also, the recipe doesn't call for sugar, and I was perfectly fine with it. The pie was sweet enough without it, which was perhaps a bit disappointing since I like my key lime pie a little more tart. 

The verdict? Definitely not my favorite recipe. It's easier to make, but I prefer my filling to be a little more custard-like. JK enjoyed it, although I think I will have to call my mother and ask for her key lime pie recipe. You'll be sure to hear all about it if I do end up making it!

Until next time!
~Pink Heels

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