Saturday, March 2, 2013

Boyfriend Cookies

I'm beginning to suspect that I have an unhealthy relationship with Pinterest. One of my favorite quick study breaks is to scroll through the Food and Drink board and see if there are any baking ideas to repin; pretty soon, I have several tabs open with possible ideas to pin. One of the recipes that caught my eye was for boyfriend cookies. I still don't understand why they are called boyfriend cookies - apparently, there're for the person who wants to snag a boyfriend, get over a boyfriend, or surprise their boyfriend with a sweet treat. Regardless of the name, they looked like fun to make and a great way to use my new baking toys, so I asked JA if he wanted to help me bake and we got to it.

The one questionable thing about these cookies is the amount of chocolate and candy that the recipe calls for. I only ended up using a cup of milk chocolate chips, a cup of semisweet chocolate chips, and half a cup of plain M&Ms. Since I also wanted JK to enjoy these cookies, I didn't add in the Reese' Pieces or peanut butter chips since he isn't a fan of peanut butter. I'm also not partial to white chocolate either, so I left those out too. I left out a cup and a half worth of chocolate and candy, but the batter was already very difficult to mix - I honestly think it's fine with the two and a half cups of goodness already in there.

I also goofed while getting ready to pop these in the oven. I greased a few baking sheets before I read the recipe more closely and saw that it called for an ungreased baking sheet. Oh well, I thought. Greasing the sheet will only make the cookies come off easier. This won't have too much of an impact. Wrong! JA and I pulled the first batch out of the oven because we were convinced that we burned them - the bottoms turned a dark brown while the rest of the cookie was still turning golden brown - but it turns out that they weren't burnt at all. Having so much butter in the cookie and then having them bake in butter must have cooked the bottoms faster than the tops, so while ours didn't get burned, the first batch didn't look uniform at all. We fixed this by flattening out the rest of the cookies instead of putting little round balls of dough in the oven, but lesson learned - when it says don't grease the baking sheet, don't grease the baking sheet.

The gooey, finished product.

JA and I shared the cookies with several of our friends, and they were a big hit. They didn't hold together very well, although that could have been because they were fresh out of the oven. Several hours later, it was difficult to pick one up without it completely falling apart and unable to hold its own weight. Overall, this is a recipe I would make again. After all, I have yet to try these with peanut butter - JK may hate it, but I absolutely love it.

Until next time!
~Pink Heels

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